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New Director of the Council of the Inns of Court

The Board of COIC are delighted to announce the appointment of Andy Russell as the new Director of COIC.  Andy is currently the Operations Director of COIC. He will take over his new appointment in August 2024. Andy was appointed following an open competition which generated interest from a significant number of strong candidates. In congratulating Andy, I would also like to pay tribute to the hard work and dedication of his predecessor, James Wakefield, who departs in order to move in a new direction in his career. He leaves with our admiration and best wishes and with the deep respect of his many colleagues in the Inns and more broadly in the legal community for all that he has achieved over the past decade. We know that Andy will be a worthy successor to James, and we are looking forward to working closely with him in the future. 

The Rt Hon Lord Justice Green 
President, Council of the Inns of Court